
Sunday, May 29, 2011

29 May 1862: Thursday

Confederates - Government
President Davis writes a letter to Georgia governor Joseph E. Brown over matters of States' rights and Confederate government rights - one in a long string of letters between the two on that subject.

Confederates - Military

Stonewall Jackson's men demonstrate near Harper's Ferry.

Behind Jackson, the Union troops were massing, 15,000 under Fremont, McDowell's 20,000, and to the north, Banks remnant of about 5,000.

On the Chickahominy there was skirmishing near Seven Pines, and farther north some operations along the South Anna.

During the night, Beauregard, finally seeing there was no hope against Halleck's huge Union army near Corinth, gave orders to pull out toward Tupelo. To give the impression of reinforcements, however, he had trains and troops made loud noises in an effort to fool the waiting Union troops.

There is a skirmish near Booneville.

Western Virginia
There is a skirmish near Wardensville.

South Carolina
There is a skirmish at Pocotaligo

There is a skirmish at Kickapoo Bottom. and at Whitesburg.

The Civil War Day By Day: An Almanac 1861-1865. E.B. Long with Barbara Long, De Capo, 1971

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