
Sunday, May 22, 2011

22 May, 1862: Friday

Government - Union
President Lincoln talks with General McDowell at Aquia Creek, Virginia and in the Fredericksburg area before returning to Washington.

Military - Confederates

Stonewall Jackson and his troops enter Front Royal in the Shenandoah Valley, easily defeating the Union forces of about eight hundred men under Colonel John R. Kenley, and capturing many of them.

Jackson's main task was to prevent General Banks from reaching Winchester, and if possible to destroy him.

Jackson's rapid movement and victory at Front Royal caused fear in Washington of a major northward move by the Confederates, possibly even toward the capital. This diversion took attention from McClellan's efforts on the Peninsula near Richmond.

The Civil War Day By Day: An Almanac 1861-1865. E.B. Long with Barbara Long, De Capo, 1971

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