
Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 November 1862: Monday

Union - Government
President Lincoln asks for the record on the conviction of 303 Indians condemned to death for the Sioux uprising in Minnesota.

Ubnion - Military/Government

Major General McClellan took an emotional, spectacular darewell of the Army of the Potomac, so long considered "his" army. A soldier wrote, "The men were wild with excitement. They threw their hats into the air and cheered their old commander as long as his escort was in sight." The idolization of Little Mac continued despite his defeats and failures in battle; although some officers and men had come to recognize his shortcomings. The feelings of the army presented a problem to its new commander, Burnide. Major GEneral Hooker took over for Fitz John Porter in command of the Fifth Corps.

Union - Military
Western Virginia

There is a skirmish at Charlestown.

There are operations along the Orange and Alexndria Railroad.
The Civil War Day By Day: An Almanac 1861-1865. E.B. Long with Barbara Long, De Capo, 1971

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