
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

13 September 2011: Saturday "LOST ORDER" Found

Union - Military/Government
In New Orleans, General Butler orders all foreigners to register with occupation authorities.

Union - Military

In the morning, two Union soldiers pick up a paper wrapped around a few cigars. It was a lost copy of Lee's orders for the Maryland campaign. The "Lost Order of Antietam" is rushed to mcClellan, and he begins to move accordingly and a little more rapidly, though not entirely trusting this fortuitous inteligence. [How the order was lost has never been fully explained.]

By evening McClellan was pushing west toward the mountains beyond Frederick.

West Virginia
Union troops evacuate Charleston, after some fighting, in the face of the Confederate offensive under W.W. Lording in the Kanawha Valley.

There are skirmishes at Newtonia, at Bragg's Faerm near Whaley's Mill, and at Strother Fork of Black River in Iron County.

There is a skirmish at Iuka.

There is a skirmish at Flour Bluffs.

Confederacy - Military

Lee has Stuart and his cavalry at South Mountain and other troops nearby. Longstreet was near Hagerstown, Jackson was near Harper's Ferry.

That night, Stuart learns of the lost order and informs Lee that it is in McClellan's possession.

The Civil War Day By Day: An Almanac 1861-1865. E.B. Long with Barbara Long, De Capo, 1971

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