
Saturday, January 7, 2012

7 January 1863: Wednesday

Union - Government
General Halleck writes Burnside a letter, endorsed by Lincoln, emphasizing that "our first object was, not Richmond, but the defeat or scattering of Lee's army." He also strongly backed Burnside's plan to attack across the Rapahannock.

Confederacy - Government
President Davis writes Lee asking him to call upon the commander of the US forces and "prevent the savage atrocities which are threatened." If this met with a rebuff, Lee is to tell the Union troops that "measures will be taken by retaliation to repress the indulgence of such brutal passions."

Confederacy - Civilian
A group of 450 women and children leave Washington for Richmond, VA and the South with permission of the Federal government. The Richmond Enquirer calls the Emancipation Proclamation "the most startling political crime, the most stupid political blunder, yet known in American history...Southern people have now only to choose between victory and death."

Confederacy - Military

Marmaduke's Confederates capture Ozark. Then they move on toward Springfield with his troops.

There is a scout from Big Spring Creek yo Rock Ford.
The Civil War Day By Day: An Almanac 1861-1865. E.B. Long with Barbara Long, De Capo, 1971

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