
Friday, February 25, 2011

25 February, 1862: Tuesday

Confederate - Government
President Davis sends a message to the Confederate Congress reviewing the war, calling for sterner measures, and stating, "we have been so exposed as recently to encounter serious disasters." DAvis thought the financial system was adequate and the postal department was improving. He wanted to establish a Supreme Court. Naval construction was proceeding despite limited resources, the need for more soldiers was being met, and streneous efforts were being made to reinforce armies in the threatened West.

Major General E. Kirby Smith is assigned to command in east Tennessee.

Union - Military
Union trips move into Nashville in full force. The city will be held throughout the war. Its capture without bloodshed had been made possible by Grant's victory at Fort Donelson, although it was formally occupied by the troops of GEneral Beaull.

There is a small skirmish in Loudoun County.

There is fighting at Keetsville in Barry County, Missouri.

The Civil War Day By Day: An Almanac 1861-1865. E.B. Long with Barbara Long, De Capo, 1971

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